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Parallel Pop-Orientalist Modernisms

03/11/2012 @ 11:00 - 04/11/2012 @ 17:00

3 – 4 November 2012

It is often the arrival of new sounds and new forms of pop culture generated in different non-Western cultural, socio-political and economic contexts, that reverberate with the epithet “Sweet” in the collective memories of the 1960s. Up to now many of these new soundscapes and the lifestyles that accompany them are mainly perceived within a narrative of Western cultural hegemony. They operate as a sign of the colonizing powers of Western cultural industries, their trends and formal influences. But a distinct consideration of the contexts and situations that created these cultural phenomena and their potential for ambiguous identities demonstrates how complex the emancipatory energies of the 60s were. They generated parallel and quite diverse forms of pop cultures that were postulating not only other logics of modernisms but they were also oriented towards more conservative and traditionalist segments of the society.

Since the beginning of the 20th century traditional forms of culture have been appropriated and reinterpreted by various local modernist cultural projects and their nationalist or internationalist ideologies. During the 60s one could see how the newly developing forms of urban music culture were gaining a more horizontal character and filling the voids that had opened between the modernized, ideologized, politicized forms of music belonging to the verticals of “national cultures.” And despite the fact that those newly emerged cultures were often apolitical in their essence, they still generated strong energies of cultural resistance within local milieus. Nevertheless, the frequent marginalization of those cultures in local contexts did not hinder their intensive popularization, which continued developing parallel to the social and cultural stratification taking place in different societies since the 1960s.

“Parallel Pop-Orientalist Modernisms” is the title of the seminar discussing these issues. This seminar is organized in the framework of the exhibition “A Kind of Electricity Appeared in Outer Space: Musical Turkey in the 1960s” as part of the project “Sweet Sixties.” It will try to analyze various aspects of the emergence of different new folklore and urban cultures since 1960 (like Arabesque, RABIZ, Novokomponovana muzika, Etnophonie, etc.) and their adaptation in the entertainment culture as well as their impact on social and political transformations.

“Sweet Sixties” is a long-term international research project curated by Georg Schöllhammer and Ruben Arevshatyan that explores, through contemporary artistic and theoretical perspectives, the unknown, underestimated, and hidden contexts and territories of the 1960s that were omitted from the meta narrative of the “romantic revolutionary epoch.”

The project is supported by the European Union Culture 2007-2013 Programme and tranzit.at, and coordinated by tranzit.at, Vienna in collaboration with Architekturzentrum, Vienna, WHW, Zagreb and Anadolu Kültür, Istanbul.

Parallel Pop-Orientalist Modernisms
3-4 November, Cezayir Salon
Hayriye Caddesi No.12, Galatasaray Beyoğlu, İstanbul

3 Kasım/ November
Cumartesi / Saturday

14:00 Sunuş / Introduction
Ruben Arevshatyan, “Tatlı 60’lar” projesi küratörü / Curator of the project Sweet 60s

14.30 “Uzayda Bir Elektrik Hasıl Oldu: 1960’larda Müzikli Türkiye” sergisi üzerine / About the exhibition “A Kind of Electricity Appeared in Outer Space: Musical Turkey in the 1960s”
Derya Bengi, Sergi küratörü / Curator of the exhibition

15.00 RABIZ kültürünün nedeni olarak DeStalinizasyon / DeStalinization as a reason of RABIZ culture
Vardan Jaloyan, Sanat eleştirmeni ve tarihçisi / Art critic and historian

15.30 RABIZ in the context of 1960s / 1960’lar bağlamında RABIZ
Hrach Bayadyan, Kültür eleştirmeni / Cultural critic

16.00 1960’lar Azerbaycan’ının yeni folklörleri: Bir modernlik arayışı /
New folk of the 1960’s in Azerbaijan: A quest for modernity
Jahangir Selimkhanov, Müzikolog / Musicologist

16.30 1960’larda Özbekistan’da çeşitli Oryantal ve Batılı etkiler ve popüler müzikte bir araya gelmeleri ve sentezlenmeleri /
Variety of influences from Oriental and Western cultures and their coexistence and synthesis in popular music of Uzbekistan in the 1960s
Alexander Djumaev, Etnomüzikolog ve kültür teorisyeni / Ethnomusicologist and cultural theorist

17.00 Tartışma / Discussion

4 Kasım/ November
Pazar / Sunday

14.00 Sunuş / Introduction
Georg Schölhammer, “Tatlı 60’lar” projesi küratörü / Curator of the project Sweet 60s

14.30 Ahmed Naje, Kültür eleştirmeni / Cultural critic

15.00 Mon Arabesque
Derya Bengi

15.30 Eflak ve Moldovya Romanya popüler müziklerinde Oryantal dalgalar /
Oriental waves in the Romanian popular musics from Wallachia and Moldavia
Speranta Radulescu, Etnomüzikolog / Ethnomusicologist

16.00 “Folklör”ü değiştirmek: Novokomponovana muzika ve turbo folk… Sırbistan’ın müzik kültürleri /
Cha(lle)nging “the Folk”: Novokomponovana muzika and turbo folk… music cultures of Serbia
Iva Nenic, Müzikolog / Musicologist

16.30 Tatlı hüzün – Bir Sevda ideolojisi / Sweet sorrow – An ideology of Sevdah
Damir Imamovic, Müzisyen / Musician

17.00 Tartışma / Discussion


03/11/2012 @ 11:00
04/11/2012 @ 17:00
Event Category:


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