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Fahrettin Örenli – High Heels

03/09/2016 @ 11:00 - 09/10/2016 @ 17:00

3 September – 9 October 2016

Fahrettin Örenli’s solo show “High Heels” relates to two subjects. The first one is “City as a living organic structure and a control tower/platform carrying mass information”. The second one is “Money and creative processes of money making”.

It has been already centuries that humans built own jungles/cities in accordance with their own human nature and grew them as big so they became living giant organic structures. To survive or adapt in these jungles/cities, humans created bigger walls, bigger rules, bigger illusions and biggest information pollution. “High Heels” investigates how humanity became blinded and lost in human made nature, hypnotized by the power of synthetic sunset placed on the horizon or rather ignore to recognize it due to various economical interests.

Today economical world encapsulates and instrumentalizes creativity. If money making is considered as the biggest focus point in society in our time and the genuine creativity is stuck in society and art, could we compare the process of creative money making with genuine (art) creativity and use this process of money making to regenerate creativity in art? Örenli deals with these processes in a satirical mode, without wholly negating them.

In the commercialized, profit-production era, the biggest refined measurement to build our values or knowledge is absolutely money and this has been taking place in mainly cities. Therefore, cities grow as indestructible and self – regenerating organic and they refine information from their center to suburbs alongside centuries. However, the refining process happens to mostly profitable, commercial knowledge. If so, as we live in cities and become the part of them, how do we refine our knowledge and develop? How does each individual living in cities also carry commercial knowledge in this time that we are in? Theoretically, if each individual carries commercial knowledge and desires to be successful in the city, one needs to be different and create new ways to enter the closed door of established market.

To be different, using creativity could be the most important element to regenerate the essence to construct genuine knowledge at this moment. It seems massive population of people adopt creativity clearly for money making or making profits in today’s cities. Then how can we take creativity of each individual and bring it back to the track that has different values and use creativity to refine mass information to build the sustainable knowledge and to re-awake awareness for future? Örenli who has been criticising the determinate role of economic system on arts is asking the question whether it is possible to decontaminate artistic creativity from its instrumentalized form in the finances.

The path Fahrettin Örenli follows in his art is to collect/select elements of each art medium and then to separate, investigate and recombine with an attitude of an alchemist in order to create an unique art language. Applying the fundamental rule of existence in nature that every entity consists of a combination of one element with another, Örenli uses the same method to create a new mixture of artistic media as well as various subject matters.

Fahrettin Örenli who was born in Tunceli Pertek in 1969 studied at Gerrit Rietveld Academie and Rijksakademie Van Beeldende Kunsten. He participated in artist-in-residence programs at the Platform Garanti Contemporary Art Center, Istanbul (2006-07); Chinese European Art Center, Xiamen (2004-05) and The International Studio and Curatorial Program, NY (2003). Örenli was awarded the ABN AMRO Art Prize, Amsterdam in 2004 and the Royal Painting Prize, Amsterdam in 2000. His works were shown in several international institutions and exhibitions like Istanbul Modern, Total Contemporary Art Museum (South Korea) and Frieze Art Fair (England). His work is in several collections such as The Vehbi Koç Foundation, ABN-AMRO, De Heus collection, AMC, OCE Technology, Eneco Holding N.V., Erasmus University Rotterdam. Örenli lives in Amsterdam and Istanbul.

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Metropolis and money-making subjects of new Istanbul exhibition
Daily Sabah


03/09/2016 @ 11:00
09/10/2016 @ 17:00
Event Category:


Depo İstanbul
DEPO / Tütün Deposu Lüleci Hendek Caddesi No.12 Tophane
İstanbul, 34425 Turkey
+90 (212) 292 39 56 - 57