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Open City Istanbul
12/03/2010 @ 11:00 - 09/05/2010 @ 17:00

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12 March – 9 May 2010
Three exhibitions curated by Philipp Misselwitz and Can Altay in cooperation with the 4th International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam IABR “Open City – Designing Coexistence”:
Open City Forum
(curated with Tim Rieniets)
Critical projects and positions by architects, urbanists, artists and activists
Bas Princen – 5 Cities Portfolio
Photographs from Istanbul, Beirut, Amman, Cairo and Dubai
Curators: Philipp Misselwitz and Can Altay
Exhibition team: Zeynep Moralı, Yaşar Adanalı
Production: Zeynep Moralı, Asena Günal, Yaşar Adanalı
Exhibition design: Superpool
Outreach programme: Yaşar Adanalı
Made possible by:
Istanbul 2010 European Capital of Culture Agency
City of Rotterdam
Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Istanbul
International Architecture Biennale Rotterdam (IABR)
Mondriaan Foundation
Prince Claus Fund for Culture and Development
Chair of Architecture and Urban Design, ETH Zurich
Open City Forum
(curated with Tim Rieniets)
The IABR is an international urban research biennale founded in 2001 with the conviction that architecture is a public concern. The theme of the fourth edition of the IABR is the Open City, which signifies openness to diversity and difference, vitality and social sustainability, where people can productively relate to each other, both culturally as well as socio-economically. With the “Open City: Designing Coexistence” heading, the Rotterdam Biennale places special emphasis on how can architects and urban planners make concrete contributions for sustainability of the urban condition. The exhibition brings together elements from Rotterdam’s recent 4th International Architecture Biennale and, at the same time, functions as a platform for a series of lectures, presentations and discussions.
With contributions by: Tim Rieniets with Peter Blume, Frederic Schwarz, Matthias Stark,, Fabienne Hoelzel with Elisabeth Hinz, Franziska Singer, Fujan Fahmi, Claudia Bach, İmre Balanlı,
Diwan magazines:
• Istanbul – Living in Voluntary and Involuntary Exclusion (edited by Tansel Korkmaz, Eda Ünlü-Yücesoy and Yaşar Adanalı, Can Altay, Philipp Misselwitz)
• Beirut – Mapping Security (edited by Mona Fawaz, Mona Harb, Ahmad Gharbieh)
• Amman – Neoliberal Urban Management (edited by Rami Farouk Daher)
• Cairo – Resilience: City as Personal Practice (edited by Dina Shehayeb and Shahira Issa)
Critical projects and positions by architects, urbanists, artists and activists
“Refuge” can imply a safe haven, or the notion of forced displacement, producing spaces that can range from luxurious resorts to overcrowded refugee camps. Spaces of refuge are generated by the desire or necessity to withdraw from the city, to keep out intruders, or to protect and control those inside. In our societies, protective isolation is as necessary as openness, yet when refuge dominates, urbanity is at risk. Focusing on cities in Turkey and the Middle East, this exhibition approaches spaces of refuge from opposing angles: as threats to urbanity that need to be prevented or dismantled, and as intimate, but still undeveloped forms of the Open City.
With contributions by: Senan Abdelqader, Nasser AbuRahme, Yaşar Adanalı, Arab Resource Collective ARC (Ghassan Issa, Mona Abu Rayyan, with Nizar Rammal), Ursula Biemann, Muna Budeiri, decolonizing.ps (Sandi Hilal, Alessandro Petti, Eyal Weizman with Mario Abruzzese, Ahmad Barclay, Silvia Bellotti, Jiries Boullata, Vittoria Capresi, Merlin Eayrs, Tashy Endres, Nina Kolo, Sara Pellegrini, Lorenzo Pezzani, Marcella Rafaniello, Maria Rocco, Bert Ruelens, Mahdi Sabbagh, Diego Segatto, Situ Studio, Francesca Vargiu), EAA (Emre Arolat Architects), Boran Ekinci, Orhan Esen, Chris Evans, febrik (Joumana al Jabri, Reem Charif, Mohamad Hafeda ), Gisela Funk, Ryam Idri Esen Karol, Nesli Kayalı, Thomas Kilpper, Gunnar Köhne Armin Linke, Anne Misselwitz, Philipp Misselwitz, Nahr El Bared Reconstruction Project (Adiyata Kumar et.al), Fatima Nammari, Philippe Rekacewicz, Roma Onlus, Rasha Salti, Solmaz Shahbazi, Ismail Sheikh Hassan, SMAQ (Sabine Müller, Andreas Quednau), SQUAT (Jörg Stollman, Rainer Hehl) , Stalker/Osservatorio Nomade (Lorenzo Romito Giulia Fiocca with Bennie Meek), Katharina Sucker, Sulukule Studio/Sulukule Atölyesi, Superpool (Selva Gürdoğan, Gregers Tang Thomsen with Marta Marszal), Alex Zaske (Studio DAZ-architects).
Bas Princen – 5 Cities Portfolio
Photographs from Istanbul, Beirut, Amman, Cairo and Dubai
A series of works in which the Dutch artist Bas Princen observes contemporary urban transformation in Turkey and the Middle East: how Istanbul, Beirut, Amman, Cairo and Dubai have become laboratories for a proliferation of spaces and practices of refuge – spaces of extreme poverty on the one hand and wealth on the other. Motivations and triggers for processes of withdrawal are extremely varied producing a broad array of conditions ranging from migrant worker camps to gated satellite cities in the desert, from slick city centre high rises to islands of urban poverty. Rather than investigating the social, economic or political dynamics that have produced the space, Princen considers the conditions that have emerged with an interest in their spatial and formal qualities. Despite the extreme differences in the dynamics of spatial production, the emerging spatial units are surprisingly similar-at the very least, in their isolated nature and alienated relation to their surroundings.
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Kentin Terk Edilenlerine ‘Açık’ Sergi
Tuna Kuyucu – Yaşar Adanalı ile Söyleşi: Açık Şehir İstanbul: Ayrışarak Yaşarken Şehri Birarada Tasarlamanın Mümkünatı
Birikim Güncel
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