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05/02/2017 @ 11:00 - 19/02/2017 @ 17:00

5 February – 19 February 2017

Antoine Bougeard

Collaboration with, Arnault Damien (sound technician), Anne Berelowitch (theater director) and Vincent Voillat (artist), Uğur Çerkezoğlu (composer), Selin Altıparmak (actress).

Voices of: Ömer, Ludo, Önder, Bernardo, Eyüphan, Jean and Jocelyn

What is Panoptisme? It is a way of looking at imprisoned people and surveillance in which we swap the standard roles. In a series of sound tableaus, former prisoners from Turkey and France share their perspectives on prison and the physical and sensory experience of detention. The aim of the project is not to deal with the reason of incarceration but to treat the global problems of prison, incarceration and being confined for many years. Through radio broadcasting and in the form of a sound installation, this project aims to recreate an original and reflexive spatial impression of the prison world, as expressed by those who cannot get out of it.

Imagined and directed by Antoine Bougeard, Panoptisme is the result of a three year’s labour in prison, advocacy and activism, first in Turkey, then in France. St Anne (Avignon) and Bayrampaşa (Istanbul) prisons were closed in 2002 and 2008, respectively. The narration goes back and forth between Turkey and France to compare the memories of those incarcerated in these two prisons: a sonic exploration and immersion of their voices allows us to dive into the penitentiary space. Place, voice and memory are compared and discovered by the visitors as they walk in the room and the installation.

MU Collective: Production and artistic development

Supported by:
Ministry of Culture and Communication (DICRéAM),
La Fondation de France (Bourse déclics jeunes),
Açık Radyo
FSDIE Paris 8,
Crous Créteil,
Institut Français d’Istanbul,
Radio Campus
Ceza İnfaz Sisteminde Sivil Toplum Derneği (CİSST)


Evrensel Deneyimimiz: Kapatılma ve Hapsedilme
Açık Radyo


05/02/2017 @ 11:00
19/02/2017 @ 17:00
Event Category:


Depo İstanbul
DEPO / Tütün Deposu Lüleci Hendek Caddesi No.12 Tophane
İstanbul, 34425 Turkey
+90 (212) 292 39 56 - 57