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Take Me to the River: A Multinational, Multimedia Exhibition in conjunction with the 5th World Water Forum

08/03/2009 @ 11:00 - 19/03/2009 @ 17:00

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8 – 19 March 2009

Take Me to the River is an international multi-cultural, multi-disciplinary consortium of artists, the purpose of which is to create bridges of mutual understanding across borders by reflecting both the diversities and similarities between people of different countries. Previous Take Me to the River projects have been hosted by museums and arts organizations in: Cairo, Egypt; Washington, DC; Pretoria, South Africa, and; Wichita Falls, Texas. Take Me to the River Project is honored to be hosted in Istanbul by DEPO and to include guest artists from Turkey and the Turkish diaspora countries of Bulgaria, Afghanistan, and Oman. Take Me to the River Project, itself, is comprised of artists from Brazil, Cuba, Egypt, Germany, Pakistan, South Africa, and the United States.

The Take Me to the River – Istanbul Project has been selected as an official cultural event of the 5th World Water Forum being held in Istanbul from the 16th to the 22nd of March 2009. The 5th World World Water Forum’s overarching theme, Bridging Divides for Water, did not go unnoticed by the artist members of Take Me to the River, whose mission and success has been achieved by building such bridges. By means of its exhibition at DEPO, Take Me to the River hopes to underline not just the geographical crossroads between Europe and Asia, the Middle East and Africa, North and South, represented by Istanbul, but also the barriers between modern-age and traditional water cultures and uses, between rich and poor, and between developed and developing regions of the world. The exhibition speaks to the need for greater interaction, communication and functional harmonization of the various entities involved in or affected by water management. It also sends out a message to the water community that water is not an end in itself, but rather a means for our development and well-being.

Curator: Cohn Drennan
Project Coordinator: Mansoora Hassan
Artists: Turan Aksoy, Svetozara Alexandrova, Neno Belchev, John H. Brown, Jr., David Carlson, Richard L. Dana, Ashraf Fouad, Jeanette Gaussi, Mansoora Hassan, Judy Jashinsky, Donna Kukuma, Hassan Meer, Maggie Michael, Nur Muskara, Güntaç Özdemir, Ivana Panizzi, Patricia Secco, Ruza Spak, Betsy Stewart, Andres E. Tremols


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08/03/2009 @ 11:00
19/03/2009 @ 17:00
Event Category:


Depo İstanbul
DEPO / Tütün Deposu Lüleci Hendek Caddesi No.12 Tophane
İstanbul, 34425 Turkey
+90 (212) 292 39 56 - 57