Anadolu Kültür center Depo’s statement on the unlawful decisions in Gezi Trial

We strongly reject the aggravated life sentence handed down by the court against Osman Kavala, the founder and Chair of the Executive Board of Anadolu Kültür, following his unlawful detention of over four and a half years, as well as 18-year-prison sentences and arrest orders issued against ex- and current members of Anadolu Kültür’s Executive Board Yiğit Ali Ekmekçi, Ali Hakan Altınay and Mine Özerden, Anadolu Kültür’s advisor Çiğdem Mater, and Mücella Yapıcı, Tayfun Kahraman and Can Atalay from Taksim Solidarity.

We inform the public that we shall pursue the case to the end until justice is served for Osman Kavala and the seven other people, who have struggled for an equal, just and free society.